Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Circus freak

Awhile back I posted an entry about a Halloween Party I would be attending. The theme was "Circus Freaks." Several of you provided good--and very elaborate--costume ideas, but I went with something fairly easy and cheap instead. I designed the following t-shirts for my husband and myself (the graphic with the starbursts was on the back of both shirts):

Sadly, I wasn't the only one with the "World's Tallest Midget" idea--and because the other partygoer was taller than I, my shirt got amended to read "World's 2nd Tallest Midget."

I think a more appropriate circus act to describe me this week would be "juggler." As regular readers know, I am taking the week off from my not-a-part-time-job agency gig to fill in full-time for the copy editor of another agency (and doing a little work for the former agency after I get home). I'm also working on 2 RFPs for my workers comp client and designing some promotional materials for my neighborhood business association's "shop locally" holiday open house. Whew!

1 comment:

Angie Ledbetter said...

Hey, how about World's Tallest Juggling Midget? :)